The Local transport strategies and forward programmes have been recently published and consulation is now open for Tranche 2. The Surrey Heath LTS consultation documents are:
- Section 1 to 6
- Section 7 to 8
- Annex
This document outlines the transport strategy which...
"...has been produced by the County Council in partnership with Surrey Heath Borough Council.Section 2, Objectives & Delivery Priorities, references the Environment and Infrastructure Directorate Strategy 2014-19 priorities, which includes:
The purpose of the strategy is to support the growth set out within the borough Local Plan and provide a programme of transport infrastructure required to deliver this growth. They also provide an evidence base for future funding bids.
The objectives of this strategy are to reduce the reliance on the private car in Surrey Heath by providing more attractive sustainable travel choices, to manage local bottlenecks and traffic congestion within the borough, and to encourage economic development and regeneration. These objectives are in accordance with Surrey’s Environment and Infrastructure Priorities." -- Executive summary
Priority 2: Optimise the use of highway and transport infrastructure to
support health, wellbeing and economic development
o Deliver the Travel SMART programme.
o Deliver the Surrey cycling strategy with Local Committees.
o Complete the passenger transport review.
o Develop business cases for major transport schemes to secure
required funding.
Of particular interest were these sections:
- Walking Provision: 3.29 to 3.34
- Cycling Provision: 3.35 to 3.37: "Lack of cycle provisions resulting in cycling on non-shared footways.."
The Surrey Cycling Strategy is discussed further in 6.11
"Surrey’s Cycling Strategy was published in March 2014. The strategy covers cycling as a means of transport, leisure and as a sport, setting out our aim for cycling in Surrey for the period to 2026. One of the aims of the Cycling Strategy is to develop Local Cycling Plans for each district and borough as appropriate. These will be incorporated into future versions of each of the district/borough Local Transport Strategy and Forward Programmes."
"...a true Olympic legacy would see every child in Surrey learning to ride a bike, and being able to do cycle safely to school. It would mean that many more of our residents cycle for transport and leisure, reducing congestion and reliance on cars and reaping the considerable health and economic benefits this brings. And it would mean that people without access to a car can travel safely and affordably around the county....”- Problems & Issues
- Frimley : 7.24 to 7.32
- Frimley Green: 7.34 to 7.40
...the above list various issues and point you at Potential Solutions in the Forward Programme (Annex).
Section 8.13 talks about funding sources, including a combination of:
- Developer contributions through Section 106 agreements and the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)The Consultation now open for Tranche 2 as discussed on the Surrey County Council website:
- Capital funding by the county council (government grants such as the Local Transport Plan (LTP) allocations, Local Sustainable Transport Fund (LSTF) and major schemes funding available from 2015 from designated Local Transport Bodies
- County council capital funding allocated for more strategic schemes by the Surrey Heath Local Committee
- Capital funding by the borough council
- Capital funding from the EM3 Local Enterprise Partnership. A number of schemes have been submitted by the county council to the LEP for consideration in their strategic economic plan.
"We want to make sure that we’re managing transport issues in the way that people who live and work in the local areas believe is best. We asked for your views on the first tranche of local transport strategies earlier this year.
Now we would like your views on the second tranche of local transport strategies and forward programmes:
- Reigate and Banstead
- Surrey Heath
- Tandridge
Consultation drafts of the strategies are now available on this page from the list below. You will also be able to access hard copies of the documents from County Hall, Kingston-upon-Thames and from the relevant district and borough council offices.To give us your views on the above strategies, please fill in our online survey.The consultation will close on 28 October.
I have responded to the online survey. In particular this is my response to Q2:
Q2. We have tried to identify the most pressing transport issues impacting the District/Borough. Are there any other transport problems that we should consider:
Yes: The path between Frimley Green & Farnborough North needs improvement. Ideally it should be changed to a shared pedestrian/cycle path. I have a blog & petition already running to raise awareness of this with SHBC:
I am therefore hoping that the Surrey Heath Local Committee will include the Hatches Path in its Objectives & Delivery Priorities for the Local transport strategies and forward programmes, including the Surrey Cycling Strategy.
The Annex shows a major project in the Blackwater Valley to improve cycling routes between railway stations. This seems very similar to the Hatches Path requirement, so perhaps it can be included in the Surrey Local Transport Strategy...
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